Monday, April 14, 2008

51 to 60 of Blogging Ideas

51."Browse through a thesaurus and see if synonyms help spark ideas for your posts." NO. There is no way I am going to read a dictionary or a thesaurus.
52."Respond to criticism in a post (e.g., respond to the Wall Street Journal’s criticism of bloggers)." Yeah not a bad idea heres some criticism for who ever made this 101 ideas post. You suck go get friends. jk :).
53."Write a post like you are telling a story." Well my teacher is going to make me do this anyway (most likely)
54."Spruce up your posts with pictures." Already had this idea. Pictures say a thousand words and fills up a lot of room on my blog.
55."Post about frequently asked questions in your niche." Alright idea but I really prefer annoying people.
56."Pose a rhetorical question in your post." I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. :) lol.
57."Post about what’s popular and why it’s beneficial ( e.g., “Twitter” for tech blogs)." How would I know what is popular anyone who knows me knows I am not popular.
58."Pose a hypothesis and conclusion in your post." Fantastic idea easy to do and takes hardly any time. Let alone its no inventive.
59."Support your post with related post links." Well that would work if I put in really long links like this
60."Make a [blank] for dummies post." Not a bad idea but not a good one either. I could tell people how to criticize though but I think that should be Simon Cowell's job.

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