Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I have nothing meaning full to wright about!

I have nothing meaning to write about. So I went to Google and searched 'blog ideas'. I found a website(
t-will-make-your-blog-sizzle) so I am going to wright about whether these ideas will work for me or not.
  1. "Brainstorm by matching up your readers wants." I don't think I have any readers and I don't care what they want i just want to get this homework over and done with.
  2. "Write a post by examining the pros and cons of an issue." This could work I can think of the title now Pizza vs Pie (pizza pie would win).
  3. "Write a tutorial." Another great idea how to make pie with your standard 'Sunbeam Pie Magic' pie maker.
  4. "Do an interview with key people in your niche." Not may favorite idea that would take more time and then my homework would not just be annoying me but someone else as well.
  5. "Create a mock head to head competition."Again this breaks my number one rule of spending very little time blogging or researching for blogging.
  6. "Do a case study." That would mean having to know what a case study is again time waster.
  7. "Take an alternate position." Again that would be having to learn what that is. What is up with this website with all there technically blogging styles?
  8. "Write a long comment." Well I do like how in a long comment it fills up a lot of room by mindlessly repeating yourself. But it does take a long time again breaks rule number one.
  9. "Pick a topic by reading business book titles." I bash my head against my table while reading this one wishing someone could hit me in the head with a pocket dictionary. There is now a very important rule number two there is no extra reading of books.
  10. "Research a topic by doing research on" Again rule number one takes to much time so so boring.

1 comment:

Bubbles said...

Wasnt a very helpful site then was it well done moobs