Thursday, March 27, 2008

11 to 20 of 101 ideas

11."Drill down on a topic using’s search feature." I think i should post on this persons blog my number 1 rule they probably won't car but still this is getting annoying
12."Do a post that answers your readers’ questions." Fantastic idea now all I have do is find some readers that would read a blog written by a person who will demean whatever they say. I'll ask Seamus later.
13."Create a comprehensive list" Well I am sort of doing that now not a bad idea though.
14."Create a flagship content" Again rule number one I don't want to research anything.
15."Interview controversial people in your niche." Again what is the point of annoying other people with my homework.
16."Post about current events in your niche." Well that would be a fantastic idea if my local newspaper was on the internet and I could copy and paste.
17."Invite your readers to submit articles." Well that is not going to work I think my teacher will scream at me if I get someone else to do my homework ( But if I could get away with it would be good )
18."Instead of exchanging links, get together with other bloggers and review each others’ blogs." What is it with these blogging ideas rule number one.
19."Connect with bloggers around your same level and share ideas." Wow I never new there was a blogging level I wonder what kind of genius (who probably hasn't had any sort of human contact for the last three years) came up with the idea that some people were better bloggers than others.
20."Do a “speedlinking�? post." Wow what another fantastic idea.
Really cool website
Really cool website 2
Really cool website 3
Really cool website 4
Really cool website 5

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