Monday, October 6, 2008
Why am I writing a blog on the holidays you may ask (who am I kiding no one is gunna read dis) Well yesterday I played golf like every other day of da hoildays and I three putted the last if I didnt three putt my team would have one a 100 dollar voucher. MAn Im fat costing my team a hurrened bucks stupid stupid stupid fattie ohwells who cares I alreasdy ones a golf bag some balls an umbrela and a puter in the first week so Im sweet as. Also Me ant Trent qualified for the srixon pairs semi-finals on november the 9th yeah yeah day off school....
Monday, August 11, 2008
The most amazing thing in the world.
Well from that video and the ladies nice commentary looks nice and peaceful, write. Well its not. What you just saw was someone in a ball with some water rolling down a zig zag course. It such a fun sport rolling down the hill and I would know I have done that exact same thing 4 times (and once on the straight track). Zorbing originating in Rotoura is just amazing. You have so many options about how you want to role down a hill in a giant plastic ball. You can role down a striaght track or a zig zag. Tie your self to the ball or go for a swim and slide round with water in side the ball and if you choose you can do it with friends. Personal I don't like the idea of friends some how I think you would bash heads or something. The Zorb has avoled over its years and now has spread around the world. Now instead of rolling down a predtermined track with fences and staff to get you in and out of the zorb. You buy your own zorb choose a hill and role. Fun aye.
I was really disappointed to the schools approach to the lockers. I mean they wanted us to pay $45 dollars for two terms of locker HIRE. I thought that was ridicules not to long ago. I mean the lockers aren't in a convenient place and $45 dollars for two terms thats just stupid. But still I went ahead and bought one thinking it will be very useful.
After a couple of weeks of use I can sort of see where the school is coming from. I mean the lockers are tiny (the school probably new that) and any place safe to put the lockers would be inconvenient. Saying that makes me direct my anger back to the school. I mean no warning that their would be a daily struggle to jam my A3 folder into my locker. No warning that I could only access my ICT locker before school at lunch and after school. I really don't see the point in a locker anymore its just a hassle of walking to it then having to walk all the way round the auditorium to the netball courts.
After a couple of weeks of use I can sort of see where the school is coming from. I mean the lockers are tiny (the school probably new that) and any place safe to put the lockers would be inconvenient. Saying that makes me direct my anger back to the school. I mean no warning that their would be a daily struggle to jam my A3 folder into my locker. No warning that I could only access my ICT locker before school at lunch and after school. I really don't see the point in a locker anymore its just a hassle of walking to it then having to walk all the way round the auditorium to the netball courts.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Year 6's
I guided some year 6's round the school today. They were from Red Beach (represent red beach da bomb me and Steen went there) there were to fast and liked to move to much. But luckly for the challenge course to tire (is that the right type of tyre or is it someting else???) them out. It was pretty sweet miss two blocks to point out buildings to a whole lot of littlees. Pretty curise job. There were a couple of preformances in the audioturem but the littles laughed at weird things. Ohwell laters.
Monday, August 4, 2008
What I am up to !!!!!!!
Well since my last post on Sunday a lot has changed on my English project. I ain't stuck on my topic anymore because of some information I found in an encyclopedia that has set me off in the write direction. Still school sucks. I have to do some stuff for maths due in Friday and couldn't do it in class because I was escorting some Year 6's (which was actually quite good). I have to do my concepts in Mtech and have a whole lot of social science to do. It sucks that I have to do all this work at home when there is a perfectly good PS3 and Guitar Hero 3 controller sitting there lonely and sad. Well I guess not lonely or sand because its made of plastic but still. Oh and yeah screw that weather. Its been 10 days since my birthday and still havn't been able to have a party because of the stupid rain. It should have been this saturday but the weather people said it was gunna be real bad weather and it wasn't that sucks. And cause of the weather I havn't played golf in like ummmmm well the 20/07/08 or at least thats what says. Oh well laters yall. Like anyone would read this LOL
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Well I have not written a blog in while so I will just write about this.
We were assigned these projects before the school holidays and with the amount of time we were given I thought It would be easy. But I was wrong. My first choice of topic was Kiwiana because its directly related to New Zealand. But I found that this topic way to broad and changed to something smaller, L&P. I gave up on this idea straight away because I just could not find enough information about it.
Then I thought I hit gold when I started reaserching Phil Taturanagi. I got really far in with this topic and even write a report to finish it off. But then I find out that all my information I use has to come from multiple sources and at that point my only source was one website and I was screwed.
Which brings me to where I am t0day. Working on my new topic ( What makes New Zealand golf special) for the past 10 days. Not playing golf. Not doing any other homework. And playing very little PS3 so I can get this project done. And then I hit a problem after reasearching so much on this topic. Printing off 50 pages of information and highliting it. I move on to a different question and there is no information on it. So now Ive played very little PS3. Im behind in blogs, Mtech, Graphics, Social Science, Science and Maths and having to rethink my topic (or at least my question). Wow that is annyonig
We were assigned these projects before the school holidays and with the amount of time we were given I thought It would be easy. But I was wrong. My first choice of topic was Kiwiana because its directly related to New Zealand. But I found that this topic way to broad and changed to something smaller, L&P. I gave up on this idea straight away because I just could not find enough information about it.
Then I thought I hit gold when I started reaserching Phil Taturanagi. I got really far in with this topic and even write a report to finish it off. But then I find out that all my information I use has to come from multiple sources and at that point my only source was one website and I was screwed.
Which brings me to where I am t0day. Working on my new topic ( What makes New Zealand golf special) for the past 10 days. Not playing golf. Not doing any other homework. And playing very little PS3 so I can get this project done. And then I hit a problem after reasearching so much on this topic. Printing off 50 pages of information and highliting it. I move on to a different question and there is no information on it. So now Ive played very little PS3. Im behind in blogs, Mtech, Graphics, Social Science, Science and Maths and having to rethink my topic (or at least my question). Wow that is annyonig
Sunday, July 20, 2008
PIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am getting a bit bored of posting about COD4 so its time to post about a real topic

Have you every wondered what is in pies ????
Well I have not but hey here is a recipe I found on the net.
3/4 C sugar
1/3 C flour
1/4 tsp. salt
2 C whole milk
2 eggs or 3 egg yolks
1 T. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 baked and cooled 9 inch pie shell
whipped cream to top pie
Well that was boring and copy and pasting so lets talk about different types of pie. I am making these off the top so I will miss a few.
Mince and cheese
Steak an cheese
Potato top
Bacon and egg
Lemon cream
Chocolate cream
Banana cream
Banana chocolate cream
Cottage pie
Steak and kidney pie
Quiche (does that even count as a pie????)
Pot pie
Sweet potato pie
I can't think of any others so please help me out by making your own list.

Have you every wondered what is in pies ????
Well I have not but hey here is a recipe I found on the net.
3/4 C sugar
1/3 C flour
1/4 tsp. salt
2 C whole milk
2 eggs or 3 egg yolks
1 T. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 baked and cooled 9 inch pie shell
whipped cream to top pie
Well that was boring and copy and pasting so lets talk about different types of pie. I am making these off the top so I will miss a few.
Mince and cheese
Steak an cheese
Potato top
Bacon and egg
Lemon cream
Chocolate cream
Banana cream
Banana chocolate cream
Cottage pie
Steak and kidney pie
Quiche (does that even count as a pie????)
Pot pie
Sweet potato pie
I can't think of any others so please help me out by making your own list.
M4 Carbine
A really good gun with an amazing low kick back. It is not the strongest gun in the game (online) but offline when you receive this gun on the offline with the worlds best sight (sorry don't know what the sight is called) If I actually liked the offline version of the game I would just play the M4 missions over and over but the offline is horrible I will describe why later. Online this gun is still pretty good. I think the main plus for this weapon is its low kick back. I know its kick back is still higher than say the M16A4 (or any semi automatic or single fire weapon come to think of it) but still the recoil is good for a fully automatic assault rifle.
Accuracy: 3 /4
Damage: 1 and a half/4
Range: 3 /4
Fire Rate: 3 /4
Mobility: 2 and 1 half /4
Recoil: Low
Favorite classes
Gun: M4
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Red Tiger
Attachment: Red dot sight
Perk 1: Frag x 3
Perk 2: Stopping power
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Showdown, Vacant, Broadcast and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Domination and Ground War
Gun: M4
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Red Tiger
Attachment: Red dot sight
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Double tap
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Showdown, Vacant, Broadcast and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Domination and Ground War
Gun: M4
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Red Tiger
Attachment: Acog scope
Perk 1: Frag x 3
Perk 2: Stopping power
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Showdown, Vacant, Broadcast and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Domination and Ground War
I don't what it is with the acog scope I hate on most weapons but for some reason this combo appeals to me.
Here is a short video of the M4 in action....
Again on the PC version not the PS3 and I have not listened to this just watched it.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just a short video of some desert eagle kills on the pc version though not the ps3.
Its the best pistol in the game maybe even the best weapon. I have only called in a helicopter (7 kills without dying) once while only using this weapon but tell you what I would rather have a Deagle than any thing else in hardcore mods.
Good Iron Sight
Good Power
Good Fire rate
Fantastic Accuracy
Can be used in any map with any weapon in any game mod with no affect on that class
Can not be your main weapon (So can not equip red sight etc.)
Often run out of bullets if you go on a rampage with it
Can not equip a silenter (Although most of the time you wouldn't want when you fire this weapon with a 'bang' and listen for the 'tink' of a head shot)
Is unlocked at level 43 so if you are going round the prestiges (like most people do) you won't have the weapon for most of the game.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
G36c . The best assault weapon in COD4 (easily the best weapon in the game).
It's a very well balanced weapon not really leading into bad stats in one of the different divisions.
Accuracy: 8+ / 12
Damage: 7 / 12
Range: 9 / 12
Fire Rate: 7 / 12
Mobility: 8 / 12
Recoil: Medium
Reload Time: 2.1 seconds
Damage: 20-30
Hip Accuracy: Stand (3-7) / Crouch (2.5-6) / Prone (2-5)
I suppose on second thought it does lead in the favor of accuracy but thats not really a bad thats not really a bad thing.
My favorite G36c classes:
Name: Noob time
Gun: G36C
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Blue Tiger
Attachment: Noob tube
Perk 1: Noob tube
Perk 2: Overkill (Second weapon G3 with noob tube)
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Showdown, Vacant, Broadcast and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Domination and Ground War
Name: Grenader
Gun: G36c
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Blue Tiger
Attachment: Red Dot Sight
Perk 1: Frag x 3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Shipment, Showdown, Vacant, Wet work, Broadcast, China town, and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Free for all, Domination, Ground War, Sabotage, Old School Free for all, Cage match
Name: Silent
Gun: G36c
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Digital
Attachment: Silencer
Perk 1: Claymore x 2
Perk 2: UAV Jammer
Perk 3: Dead Silence
Map: Any
Game type: Hardcore search and destroy

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Me in the Future
My teacher told me to write about where I see myself in 10 years time. Well I don't want to write about that. Frankly, I don't want to think about it, yet. I have so many paths open to me so why shut the doors on them while I am so young.
I mean I have some sort of idea of the different fields I would like to work in. But the way the world is changing. A job I want to do today. May not exist tomorrow.
I really think that I will just take the subjects I like in school and university and see where life takes me. Whether it bet to a rich life as a pro golfer or tan every day job guy eating crisps off his chest who has a chocolate milk beard (as if I hate chocolate milk :] ). Or maybe something I would never had thought about today. I just don't want to set my path in stone before I have experienced the world.
I mean I have some sort of idea of the different fields I would like to work in. But the way the world is changing. A job I want to do today. May not exist tomorrow.
I really think that I will just take the subjects I like in school and university and see where life takes me. Whether it bet to a rich life as a pro golfer or tan every day job guy eating crisps off his chest who has a chocolate milk beard (as if I hate chocolate milk :] ). Or maybe something I would never had thought about today. I just don't want to set my path in stone before I have experienced the world.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Call of Duty 4
Hi Hi all. I am bit low on blogs so I am going to wright about the best online game I ever played (Notes. I don't play a lot of online games and therefore I am a little naive on the topic and what makes a good online game. I have never played counter strike so I can't argue that is the best. Also I don't like the offline of this game just the online. And finally this is all evaluated off the ps3 version.) So the game is Call of Duty 4 or COD4. I will go in to details about my favorite weapons, perks, maps etc later but to start of I will just do the best whatever in each category.
Best Assault Rifle: G36C
Best Sub Machine Gun (SMG): MP5
Best Light Machine Gun (LMG): RPD
Best Shot Gun: None. I hate them all
Best Sniper Rifle: Barret .50cal
Best Pistol: Gold Deagle (Gold Desert eagle)
Best Perk 1: This is hard to decide because it depends on the game mode but either Claymore x 2 or Frag x 3 or a noob tube (weapon attached grenade launcher)(Note if a noob tube is attached you can not use perk one that is why its classified in this category)
Best Perk 2: There is no way I can decide this I find all but one of the perk 2s use full in some mode or another.
Best Perk 3: Again I can't decide put I would have to say Martyrdom, Iron lungs or Dead slience
Best weapon attachment: Red dot sight or noob tube (noob tube is also considered a weapon attachment)
Best camouflage on a certain weapon in certain light: Blue tiger on a G36c in full sun light of the map Creek.
Best Map: This is a hard one because different maps are good for different game types but I would have to say either Creek, Ambush or Chinatown.
Best game type: Headquarters (duh)
Overall best combination: A guy with a G36c with blue tiger on it and a noob tube attached. Perk 1 non existent because of noob tube. Perk 2 being over kill so I can another main weapon instead of a pistol. The second main weapon would be another G36c with noob tube attached. Perk 3 being Martyrdom so I could drop a live grenade on death. Playing Headquarters on the map Creek.
Best Assault Rifle: G36C
Best Sub Machine Gun (SMG): MP5
Best Light Machine Gun (LMG): RPD
Best Shot Gun: None. I hate them all
Best Sniper Rifle: Barret .50cal
Best Pistol: Gold Deagle (Gold Desert eagle)
Best Perk 1: This is hard to decide because it depends on the game mode but either Claymore x 2 or Frag x 3 or a noob tube (weapon attached grenade launcher)(Note if a noob tube is attached you can not use perk one that is why its classified in this category)
Best Perk 2: There is no way I can decide this I find all but one of the perk 2s use full in some mode or another.
Best Perk 3: Again I can't decide put I would have to say Martyrdom, Iron lungs or Dead slience
Best weapon attachment: Red dot sight or noob tube (noob tube is also considered a weapon attachment)
Best camouflage on a certain weapon in certain light: Blue tiger on a G36c in full sun light of the map Creek.
Best Map: This is a hard one because different maps are good for different game types but I would have to say either Creek, Ambush or Chinatown.
Best game type: Headquarters (duh)
Overall best combination: A guy with a G36c with blue tiger on it and a noob tube attached. Perk 1 non existent because of noob tube. Perk 2 being over kill so I can another main weapon instead of a pistol. The second main weapon would be another G36c with noob tube attached. Perk 3 being Martyrdom so I could drop a live grenade on death. Playing Headquarters on the map Creek.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Super Pie
Super Pie flew over the hungry city of Pieopiles. Which is in the hungry state of Pie York. In the hungry country of the United States of Pie."What is that I spy through my pie hole" screamed super pie even though he didn't have a mouth. "A malnourished pie loving child in need" screamed super pie again, still no mouth. "Super Pie away" He screamed again, where is his mouth.
Pie went flying every where covering the entire pie city in even more pie. " Yes that will solve my problems pie is solution to everything super pie away.
Pie went flying every where covering the entire pie city in even more pie. " Yes that will solve my problems pie is solution to everything super pie away.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mr Occonnel got impatient as he was waiting for his students to arrive, even though only a handfull would be coming. After 10 minutes, he heard footsteps in the auditorium foyer, he hurried up to the door and was horrified as he saw gabrielle stomp in, in overalls and workboots, "Hey Mr O, I got a job as a workman, neat eh" and she wandered off to the punchbowl, leaving Mr Occonel Speachless.As he got over the shock of gabreielle, he heard some more footsteps, he opened the door to find a hobo dressed in garbage bags. "Well, I knew he'd come back eventually" Said Mr Oconnell, He picked up a broom and began whacking seamus over the head, chasing him outside, he then picked up a sign saying "no hobos", stuck it on the window, and wandered off to greet a pie and a taco that had just walked in.soon after a meerkat wandered in, and was chased off by Zane(a crazy Pyromaniac), Grace(a weed addict), and Frankie(a drug supplier), all of whom were seeking revenge on the meerkat for banning them from the zoo.Then A black gangsta wandered in, followed by a firetruck, "hows it goin" said the firetruck, "hey Josh" everyone responded, but everyone fell speachless as the black dude said; "wassup my home dog g units from the west coast, WAT!!" everyone else looked at Josh "relax, its taylor", said Josh. everyone cooled down after that, untill..."Omg its Harry Potter and Michael Jackson!!" Yelled Scott. "Its Tubbs and Token" said Rory, looking very annoyed. "Someone told us that this was a dressup party" everyone began laughing, but turned round when there was a shout of laughter, and the pie and the taco were rolling around on the floor laughing."Settle down people, food and trash, and welsome to our schools first jubilee, you were our foundation students, and now your peers are the foundation of our new soccer field...""Oi Jackson, moonwalk away from this!" said Scott, and punched Vinay in the face. "ABRA CADABRA!!" yelled Rory, but Gabrielle Grabbed his wand and snapped it in half. A fight broke out, and when it had finished, Josh Rolled out with a broken windscreen, Scott and Luke with bite marks in them, Zane, Grace and Frankie had big cuts on their faces, all clutching pieces of meerkat, Taylor came out white again, And Gabrielle came out unharmed because she's a workMAN.Back in the auditorium, Rory and Vinay lay unconcious on the floor, towered over by Mr Occonnell."YOU TWO ARE VERY IRRESPONSIBLE, AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!.....And that was the first ever college, be sure to tune in for the 1/2 centenial....written by Josh, Taylor and Scott, but mainly Josh!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Word thingy ??
Tim could not believe it. Overnight, the world had changed from a overcast, dim mess to a ugly white wonderland. He walked outside onto the snow and gazed at it in horror. Tim always saw this in the ten minutes that he had been living in Auckland, and he hopped that he would never see it again. He spun around in the swirling white "swoosh swoosh" but regretted it when he fell over. He got up quickly "swoosh" , hoping nobody had seen him. Tim's annoying little girl sibling came sprinting out into the street, screaming with excitement. She begged him to help her make a snowman so they knelt on the pavement and started to scoop up as much snow as they could into a pail. After about an hour, the snowman was huge and Tim was freezing and pale. He quickly sprinted over the ice "swoosh", back into the house for some hot chocolate.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bull Picture
"I need the money. I have to do it. It will be easy". I kept telling myself. "There are rode clowns in there they will help me out. Slap a bull win a grand easy right?". I tried to reassure myself but I knew what I was doing was just too stupid. I walked through the archway and my eyes oppened wide as I stepped into the arena. Thousands of people starring down at me. Why was I doing this? Well it's to late to turn back now.
There is the bull only a few steps away should I run at it or slink over? I took a step towards the bull. The bull grunted slightly and ignored me. I dashed at the bull and slapped him on the hind. The bull reared and snorted. I leged it for the exit. The bull chased me down. After a few seconds I was at the exit. But the bull was right behind me > I felt his horn graze my back and my shirt was teared off. The shirt fell against the bull's eyes blinding him for a split-second. I glanced at the distance haze of the docks. That was my escape. I sprinted to thew docks and bounded into the water. I froze in fear as the bull pounded down the docks towards me. The bull dived into the water and I was hit by a colossal wave. I was smashed against a nearby boat. My head was pounding. As I felt two warm hands pull me out of the water and onto the deck. I passed out. But I was safe.
There is the bull only a few steps away should I run at it or slink over? I took a step towards the bull. The bull grunted slightly and ignored me. I dashed at the bull and slapped him on the hind. The bull reared and snorted. I leged it for the exit. The bull chased me down. After a few seconds I was at the exit. But the bull was right behind me > I felt his horn graze my back and my shirt was teared off. The shirt fell against the bull's eyes blinding him for a split-second. I glanced at the distance haze of the docks. That was my escape. I sprinted to thew docks and bounded into the water. I froze in fear as the bull pounded down the docks towards me. The bull dived into the water and I was hit by a colossal wave. I was smashed against a nearby boat. My head was pounding. As I felt two warm hands pull me out of the water and onto the deck. I passed out. But I was safe.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
How could I ever describe him? Well he isn't my best friend that is probably obvious. He has many a name. Well actually four. He is the direction of most of the jokes yet he doesn't care. Yet he still makes a few jokes back knowing it doesn't matter.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Mum
There is no way I could describe her. Well thats a lie. She can't cook and if you don't believe me you could always just burn some toast and eat it. That is what all her food tastes like anyways. She ain't a morning person (or any other time of the day when I'm around). She is always my personal taxi driver to anywhere I want. Finally, her wallet is always open and full. For when I ask for money.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Creative wrighting
All my training worked up to this moment. The days and the hours spent riding down the test ramp and landing on the padded mats. The seconds ticked by. My heart started to pump. As the green flag raised time begain to slow and the wheels of my bike begain to rotate revolution by revolution. As the distant shadowy figure of the ramp came closer my bike sped up.
I hit the ramp hard. This was it I was going to do it . I edged to the end of the ramp and took the final leap. As I glided through the air my palms started to sweat. The bike slid out of my hands and fell towards the ground. My life flashed before my eyes. Everyone who cared for me telling me I couldn't do it. Everyone I cared for telling me I couldn't do it. Why did I even make the leap to prove myself to someone. Or rebel? I hit the concrete hard. As I passed away into the deep dark abyss I wondered why I never trusted those who trusted me.
This story is sort of based around me. I always do something stupid before thinking. But it is completely over dramatic and completely made up though. Oh well it's a blog ' shrug *-* '
I hit the ramp hard. This was it I was going to do it . I edged to the end of the ramp and took the final leap. As I glided through the air my palms started to sweat. The bike slid out of my hands and fell towards the ground. My life flashed before my eyes. Everyone who cared for me telling me I couldn't do it. Everyone I cared for telling me I couldn't do it. Why did I even make the leap to prove myself to someone. Or rebel? I hit the concrete hard. As I passed away into the deep dark abyss I wondered why I never trusted those who trusted me.
This story is sort of based around me. I always do something stupid before thinking. But it is completely over dramatic and completely made up though. Oh well it's a blog ' shrug *-* '
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Golf holes 7 to 13
7.I hit my drive past the corner bunker.
Then hit my second over the hill.
Left my third about 5 meters short of the pin.
Missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
8. The eighth hole is of play because of a new green being made so I went to the ninth.
9.Hit my drive left and short.
Hit a seven iron onto the right and side of the green.
Missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
10. I hit my drive very left and it went down the first fairway.
I hit my second close to the pin.
I lipped the putt out.
Sunk the next.
11. I hit a pw onto the front of the green.
I put the next putt close.
Sunk the next.
12.I hit a short drive and it didn't make it up the hill.
I hooked my next shot into the trees.
I played out into the fairway.
I put my next shot short of the green.
I chipped up and it hit the pin.
I tapped the next one in.
13.I hit my drive down the left.
I hit my second over the hill and down the middle.
I hit my third onto the green.
I missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
Then hit my second over the hill.
Left my third about 5 meters short of the pin.
Missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
8. The eighth hole is of play because of a new green being made so I went to the ninth.
9.Hit my drive left and short.
Hit a seven iron onto the right and side of the green.
Missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
10. I hit my drive very left and it went down the first fairway.
I hit my second close to the pin.
I lipped the putt out.
Sunk the next.
11. I hit a pw onto the front of the green.
I put the next putt close.
Sunk the next.
12.I hit a short drive and it didn't make it up the hill.
I hooked my next shot into the trees.
I played out into the fairway.
I put my next shot short of the green.
I chipped up and it hit the pin.
I tapped the next one in.
13.I hit my drive down the left.
I hit my second over the hill and down the middle.
I hit my third onto the green.
I missed the putt.
Sunk the next one.
Golf holes 4 to 6
4. I hit my drive down the middle.
I hit my second just past the pin.
I lipped the putt out.
And tapped the next in.
5. I put tee shot to the right of the green.
Chipped close.
Tapped the putt in.
6. I hit a good long drive on to the front of the green.
I duffed my first putt.
I then lipped out my second putt.
And tapped in my third putt.
I hit my second just past the pin.
I lipped the putt out.
And tapped the next in.
5. I put tee shot to the right of the green.
Chipped close.
Tapped the putt in.
6. I hit a good long drive on to the front of the green.
I duffed my first putt.
I then lipped out my second putt.
And tapped in my third putt.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
PIE !!!!!!
I Wikipediaeded (er I don't know the term when you search Wikipedia) pie today and was appalled at what is found. This was so little information on pie. I was really appalled by this. This is the wiki address Pie.
Pie is an important treat and should not be treated this way.
I will be fighting for the rights of pie later but for now pie out. Time for a pie montage.....
Pie is an important treat and should not be treated this way.
I will be fighting for the rights of pie later but for now pie out. Time for a pie montage.....
Friday, April 25, 2008
My best game off golf at Whangaparaoa
1. Tee Shot: I hit a low shot down the middle with a little bit of a cut on it. Not a big shot but it was down the middle.
2nd shot: My drive left me about 130 meters out from the green. I pulled out my 8 iron and hit slightly to the right of the green and I left the ball on the surrounds of the green.
3rd Shot: I decided that I would putt from just off the green but I had a horrible putt and left it about 3 meters short.
4th Shot: I lined up my putt and sunk it with ease.
2. Tee Shot: I smashed it down the middle leaving it on the flat of the fairway.
2nd Shot: I used a 9 iron and put it in the center of the green.
3rd Shot: I left my putt about 4 inches short of the hole.
4th Shot: I tapped it in.
3. Tee Shot: I put my tee shot pin high on the left fringe of the green.
2nd Shot: I deiced to putt from off the green and I put it within 2 meters.
3rd Shot:I was too careless with my putt and missed.
4th Shot: I tapped it in.
2nd shot: My drive left me about 130 meters out from the green. I pulled out my 8 iron and hit slightly to the right of the green and I left the ball on the surrounds of the green.
3rd Shot: I decided that I would putt from just off the green but I had a horrible putt and left it about 3 meters short.
4th Shot: I lined up my putt and sunk it with ease.
2. Tee Shot: I smashed it down the middle leaving it on the flat of the fairway.
2nd Shot: I used a 9 iron and put it in the center of the green.
3rd Shot: I left my putt about 4 inches short of the hole.
4th Shot: I tapped it in.
3. Tee Shot: I put my tee shot pin high on the left fringe of the green.
2nd Shot: I deiced to putt from off the green and I put it within 2 meters.
3rd Shot:I was too careless with my putt and missed.
4th Shot: I tapped it in.
91 to 101 of Blogging Ideas
91."Write a post about a hack for your niche." Bad idea.
92."Make a post that constructively criticizes someone else’s post." Good Idea.
93."Run a poll and post the results of that poll." Good Idea.
94."Ask your loyal readers to email you links to their best resources and make a post about what you found." I have no readers.
95."Write only about a particular theme for a week." Bad Idea.
96."Designate each day of the week as a theme day where you will always post about a particular topic on that day." Good Idea.
97."Review your blog’s (weekly, monthly, yearly) performance and post the results." Good Idea.
98."Write an “attack�? post by setting up an argument and then shooting it down." Good Idea.
99."Combine some of your best posts from your archives into a new series." Good Idea.
100."Hold a conference via blog posts." Good Idea.
101."Make a “101 ideas�? post.
" Thats just sad.
Finally done 101 ideas ^.^
92."Make a post that constructively criticizes someone else’s post." Good Idea.
93."Run a poll and post the results of that poll." Good Idea.
94."Ask your loyal readers to email you links to their best resources and make a post about what you found." I have no readers.
95."Write only about a particular theme for a week." Bad Idea.
96."Designate each day of the week as a theme day where you will always post about a particular topic on that day." Good Idea.
97."Review your blog’s (weekly, monthly, yearly) performance and post the results." Good Idea.
98."Write an “attack�? post by setting up an argument and then shooting it down." Good Idea.
99."Combine some of your best posts from your archives into a new series." Good Idea.
100."Hold a conference via blog posts." Good Idea.
101."Make a “101 ideas�? post.
Finally done 101 ideas ^.^
81 to 90 of 101 Blogging Ideas
81."Participate in a reciprocal guest blogging scheme where you blog on someone else’s blog and that other person blogs on your blog." I don't really see how that would work.
82."Do a paid posting targeted to your readers." What is a paid posting target ??
83."Profile the competition in your niche." What if there is no competition these blogging ideas are horrible.
84.''Post linkbait." ?? I think this one answers it self ??
85."Make a post about your fellow bloggers’ top posts." Not bad idea just copy and paste all fellow bloggers blogs not a bad idea.
86."Make a post about your most popular posts." I think they have suggested this before but good idea copy and paste the blogs in.
87."Read some sports (or other genre) magazines and incorporate some of the writing styles in your posts." How is that going to help me get blogging ideas?
88."Write a post that pinpoints similarities and differences." Agian how is that going to help me get blogging ideas?
89."Write a post giving a free recommendation." I am just so bored of these 101 ideas I am just going to write good or bad as my comments for the last few blogs.
90."Write a post about something that is merely “good�? but not “great�?." Bad idea.
82."Do a paid posting targeted to your readers." What is a paid posting target ??
83."Profile the competition in your niche." What if there is no competition these blogging ideas are horrible.
84.''Post linkbait." ?? I think this one answers it self ??
85."Make a post about your fellow bloggers’ top posts." Not bad idea just copy and paste all fellow bloggers blogs not a bad idea.
86."Make a post about your most popular posts." I think they have suggested this before but good idea copy and paste the blogs in.
87."Read some sports (or other genre) magazines and incorporate some of the writing styles in your posts." How is that going to help me get blogging ideas?
88."Write a post that pinpoints similarities and differences." Agian how is that going to help me get blogging ideas?
89."Write a post giving a free recommendation." I am just so bored of these 101 ideas I am just going to write good or bad as my comments for the last few blogs.
90."Write a post about something that is merely “good�? but not “great�?." Bad idea.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
71 to 80 of Blogging Ideas
71."Make a post about how things have changed from the past." So I am going to tell you that people had a world war years ago and now they aren't. Point ??
72."Make a post that expands on someone else’s post." Copy and paste then add two words great idea. :)
73."Create a post that incorporates the words, “desperate” and “futile”. I don't see how I get longer posts or posting ideas out of that.
74."Make a post alleging a conspiracy (e.g., Is there a Digg Bury Brigade?)." WHAT ?? What does that even mean.
75."Make a post that encourages visitors to subscribe by offering a reward." That is just stupid on many levels. That doesn't give me blogging ideas. And how would I get them their reward. What use is a subscriber.
76."Make a post that involves New York City, London, San Francisco or Sydney.
Thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
77."Make a post that incorporates in the title the word “crossover”. Again thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
78."Create a post that utilizes a bar chart or pie chart." Agian agian thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
79."Create a post that has a cliff hanger to be answered in a later post." Again again again thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
80."Make a post about pitfalls in your niche." Not a bad idea.
72."Make a post that expands on someone else’s post." Copy and paste then add two words great idea. :)
73."Create a post that incorporates the words, “desperate” and “futile”. I don't see how I get longer posts or posting ideas out of that.
74."Make a post alleging a conspiracy (e.g., Is there a Digg Bury Brigade?)." WHAT ?? What does that even mean.
75."Make a post that encourages visitors to subscribe by offering a reward." That is just stupid on many levels. That doesn't give me blogging ideas. And how would I get them their reward. What use is a subscriber.
76."Make a post that involves New York City, London, San Francisco or Sydney.
Thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
77."Make a post that incorporates in the title the word “crossover”. Again thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
78."Create a post that utilizes a bar chart or pie chart." Agian agian thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
79."Create a post that has a cliff hanger to be answered in a later post." Again again again thats just idiotic you readers or most likely reader can figure out why for your self.
80."Make a post about pitfalls in your niche." Not a bad idea.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
61 to 70 of Blogging Ideas
61."Post a picture that speaks a thousand words." Yes I could post a picture but I am not sure that will help me get more words.
62."Buy a how-to book from a bookstore and use some of the ideas from that book to generate ideas for posting (e.g., a book about Photoshop)." Fantastic idea I could just type up a book that would get me the words. jk ^^
63."Look at the archives of your niche competitors and see if any of their old posts can be expanded in an “update” post on your blog." WOW whoever came up with this has no life. So we have "competitors" when writing blogs now strange. But not a bad idea to copy and paste stuff :).
64."Post with a personality (e.g., John Chow is evil)." I put a bit of my personality into all my posts.
65."Write about how to do something more efficiently in your niche." That would mean I would have to be efficient at something.
66."Write about generally unknown secrets in your niche." I don't know many secrets so this ain't going to work.
67."Write about how to use a product in an unconventional way." Err that would be really hard I don't really know what product I would use.
68."Do a post transcribing live events (e.g., Macworld conference)." Wow fantastic idea I can write about the world comic book. JK lol.
69."Dissect an argument in a post." Not a bad idea only because it would be really fun to start the argument.
70."Make a post summarizing someone else’s post." Great idea copy and paste to summarize.
62."Buy a how-to book from a bookstore and use some of the ideas from that book to generate ideas for posting (e.g., a book about Photoshop)." Fantastic idea I could just type up a book that would get me the words. jk ^^
63."Look at the archives of your niche competitors and see if any of their old posts can be expanded in an “update” post on your blog." WOW whoever came up with this has no life. So we have "competitors" when writing blogs now strange. But not a bad idea to copy and paste stuff :).
64."Post with a personality (e.g., John Chow is evil)." I put a bit of my personality into all my posts.
65."Write about how to do something more efficiently in your niche." That would mean I would have to be efficient at something.
66."Write about generally unknown secrets in your niche." I don't know many secrets so this ain't going to work.
67."Write about how to use a product in an unconventional way." Err that would be really hard I don't really know what product I would use.
68."Do a post transcribing live events (e.g., Macworld conference)." Wow fantastic idea I can write about the world comic book. JK lol.
69."Dissect an argument in a post." Not a bad idea only because it would be really fun to start the argument.
70."Make a post summarizing someone else’s post." Great idea copy and paste to summarize.
Monday, April 14, 2008
51 to 60 of Blogging Ideas
51."Browse through a thesaurus and see if synonyms help spark ideas for your posts." NO. There is no way I am going to read a dictionary or a thesaurus.
52."Respond to criticism in a post (e.g., respond to the Wall Street Journal’s criticism of bloggers)." Yeah not a bad idea heres some criticism for who ever made this 101 ideas post. You suck go get friends. jk :).
53."Write a post like you are telling a story." Well my teacher is going to make me do this anyway (most likely)
54."Spruce up your posts with pictures." Already had this idea. Pictures say a thousand words and fills up a lot of room on my blog.
55."Post about frequently asked questions in your niche." Alright idea but I really prefer annoying people.
56."Pose a rhetorical question in your post." I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. :) lol.
57."Post about what’s popular and why it’s beneficial ( e.g., “Twitter” for tech blogs)." How would I know what is popular anyone who knows me knows I am not popular.
58."Pose a hypothesis and conclusion in your post." Fantastic idea easy to do and takes hardly any time. Let alone its no inventive.
59."Support your post with related post links." Well that would work if I put in really long links like this
60."Make a [blank] for dummies post." Not a bad idea but not a good one either. I could tell people how to criticize though but I think that should be Simon Cowell's job.
52."Respond to criticism in a post (e.g., respond to the Wall Street Journal’s criticism of bloggers)." Yeah not a bad idea heres some criticism for who ever made this 101 ideas post. You suck go get friends. jk :).
53."Write a post like you are telling a story." Well my teacher is going to make me do this anyway (most likely)
54."Spruce up your posts with pictures." Already had this idea. Pictures say a thousand words and fills up a lot of room on my blog.
55."Post about frequently asked questions in your niche." Alright idea but I really prefer annoying people.
56."Pose a rhetorical question in your post." I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. I don't see how that helps me get more words in my blog unless I posted the same thing several times. :) lol.
57."Post about what’s popular and why it’s beneficial ( e.g., “Twitter” for tech blogs)." How would I know what is popular anyone who knows me knows I am not popular.
58."Pose a hypothesis and conclusion in your post." Fantastic idea easy to do and takes hardly any time. Let alone its no inventive.
59."Support your post with related post links." Well that would work if I put in really long links like this
60."Make a [blank] for dummies post." Not a bad idea but not a good one either. I could tell people how to criticize though but I think that should be Simon Cowell's job.
Monday, April 7, 2008
41 to 50 of Blogging Ideas
41."Invite experts to comment on your post." Sensible I could then comment on there comments to make a post but where would you find a blog expert that is a pretty sad hobby.
42."Ask your readers to Digg your best posts." Two problems I would need readers and ''digg" your posts what does that mean.
43."Change up your posting style (e.g., tutorial, reviews, etc.)." I could write a tutorial that would get me through weeks of posts. Reviewing on the other hand I think has been mentioned before and I am in the process of doing that write now :D.
44."Write a funny post." Ok I will try that write now As the doctor completed an examination of the patient, he said, "I can't find a cause for your complaint. Frankly, I think it's due to drinking."
42."Ask your readers to Digg your best posts." Two problems I would need readers and ''digg" your posts what does that mean.
43."Change up your posting style (e.g., tutorial, reviews, etc.)." I could write a tutorial that would get me through weeks of posts. Reviewing on the other hand I think has been mentioned before and I am in the process of doing that write now :D.
44."Write a funny post." Ok I will try that write now As the doctor completed an examination of the patient, he said, "I can't find a cause for your complaint. Frankly, I think it's due to drinking."
"In that case," said the patient, "I'll come back when you're sober". I don't think that worked but it did fill up a bit of room.
45."Create a huge list of your best posts." Fantastic idea I can copy paste from my good posts and make this homework even easy. But to do that I think I would have to write a few more posts.
46."Add to a list started by another blogger." Best idea ever I could copy and paste a huge list from some where else then add one idea.
47."Create a mission statement for your blog." I am not a business I don't need a mission statement but it would be easy to write "To do the homework to lowest quality in the shortest time possible and not to get in trouble with my teacher for doing very little work. XD.
48."Make a post simplifying a complex problem for your readers." Two problems I probably couldn't simplify a complex problem or ever get readers.
49."Create a guide for your niche." Again I am not a business or an animal living in their environment. I have no idea what my niche would be anyway.
50."Make a post turning a negative into a positive through humor ( e.g., tell a joke: “My parents tell me I’m autistic. I tell them they have an attitude problem.”)." Well that is a great idea but I would have to find a lot of problems and a lot of jokes to make one post.
45."Create a huge list of your best posts." Fantastic idea I can copy paste from my good posts and make this homework even easy. But to do that I think I would have to write a few more posts.
46."Add to a list started by another blogger." Best idea ever I could copy and paste a huge list from some where else then add one idea.
47."Create a mission statement for your blog." I am not a business I don't need a mission statement but it would be easy to write "To do the homework to lowest quality in the shortest time possible and not to get in trouble with my teacher for doing very little work. XD.
48."Make a post simplifying a complex problem for your readers." Two problems I probably couldn't simplify a complex problem or ever get readers.
49."Create a guide for your niche." Again I am not a business or an animal living in their environment. I have no idea what my niche would be anyway.
50."Make a post turning a negative into a positive through humor ( e.g., tell a joke: “My parents tell me I’m autistic. I tell them they have an attitude problem.”)." Well that is a great idea but I would have to find a lot of problems and a lot of jokes to make one post.
Friday, April 4, 2008
31 to 40 of blogging ideas
31."Make a post that is inspirational." That really gives me no idea of what to do I mean it doesn't even explain what to do.
32."Make a satirical post." Wow big word I don't have clue what that means and I am to lazy to click on the link.
33."Write a series of posts." Well I think I am doing that now aren't I.
34."Post your research findings." Research findings? What is that I aren't researching anything anyway.
35."Post an “advantages/disadvantages” post." Well I am doing that now aren't I?
36."Update an old post for new ideas/findings." That is a good idea that would be a fantastic time for copy and paste.
37."Link ideas from different genres in your posts (e.g., Celebrities and the gadgets they own)." That sounds extremely boring.
38."Debunk a myth in your post." These ideas are just stupid I mean debunk a myth isn't that what the Myth busters are for.
39."Make a post for beginners." I am a beginner :p.
40."Make a post for advanced readers." I don't have readers how many times do I have to say this.
32."Make a satirical post." Wow big word I don't have clue what that means and I am to lazy to click on the link.
33."Write a series of posts." Well I think I am doing that now aren't I.
34."Post your research findings." Research findings? What is that I aren't researching anything anyway.
35."Post an “advantages/disadvantages” post." Well I am doing that now aren't I?
36."Update an old post for new ideas/findings." That is a good idea that would be a fantastic time for copy and paste.
37."Link ideas from different genres in your posts (e.g., Celebrities and the gadgets they own)." That sounds extremely boring.
38."Debunk a myth in your post." These ideas are just stupid I mean debunk a myth isn't that what the Myth busters are for.
39."Make a post for beginners." I am a beginner :p.
40."Make a post for advanced readers." I don't have readers how many times do I have to say this.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
21 to 30 of 101 blogging ideas
21."Post about posts made by others in your My Blog Log community." Well I am sort of doing that now. It is good idea but I would have rephrased that idea so that the author doesn't sound like a geek sitting inside all day writing blogs living of the money from advertisements on there website.
22."Be opinionated in your post." Well would have never guessed that one. Of course you would be opinionated in some of your posts. What is the next idea ask readers questions or for there opinions in your posts.
23."Turn off the nofollow attribute to encourage comments." Yeah well I don't think I have a choice when using blogger. Doesn't matter though that doesn't help me write more blogs or give any ideas anyway.
24."Do a “tag” post and have other bloggers who are tagged add to a list." Again I don't think blogger gives you this option.
25."Do an “IM” PPC campaign and then post about the results." I don't have the slightest idea what that means so it's a bad idea.
26."Be a guest blogger and share ideas with new readers."How is that suppose to help me write blogs on my website.
27."Review your statistics to see what keywords referred your visitors to your site and post about those." Wow reading about all these things you can do on other blog websites make blogger look like newbie.
28."Answer your readers’ questions with more questions (i.e., have you thought about…?)." Well that could work if I a. I answered readers questions as a post
b. Got readers
29."Contrast two or more positions in a post." I suppose that would work but none of these tips give me topics to post on.
30."Make a post that solves a problem." Finally an idea that is slightly related to giving me a topic to write about. Well now i need a problem.
22."Be opinionated in your post." Well would have never guessed that one. Of course you would be opinionated in some of your posts. What is the next idea ask readers questions or for there opinions in your posts.
23."Turn off the nofollow attribute to encourage comments." Yeah well I don't think I have a choice when using blogger. Doesn't matter though that doesn't help me write more blogs or give any ideas anyway.
24."Do a “tag” post and have other bloggers who are tagged add to a list." Again I don't think blogger gives you this option.
25."Do an “IM” PPC campaign and then post about the results." I don't have the slightest idea what that means so it's a bad idea.
26."Be a guest blogger and share ideas with new readers."How is that suppose to help me write blogs on my website.
27."Review your statistics to see what keywords referred your visitors to your site and post about those." Wow reading about all these things you can do on other blog websites make blogger look like newbie.
28."Answer your readers’ questions with more questions (i.e., have you thought about…?)." Well that could work if I a. I answered readers questions as a post
b. Got readers
29."Contrast two or more positions in a post." I suppose that would work but none of these tips give me topics to post on.
30."Make a post that solves a problem." Finally an idea that is slightly related to giving me a topic to write about. Well now i need a problem.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
11 to 20 of 101 ideas
11."Drill down on a topic using’s search feature." I think i should post on this persons blog my number 1 rule they probably won't car but still this is getting annoying
12."Do a post that answers your readers’ questions." Fantastic idea now all I have do is find some readers that would read a blog written by a person who will demean whatever they say. I'll ask Seamus later.
13."Create a comprehensive list" Well I am sort of doing that now not a bad idea though.
14."Create a flagship content" Again rule number one I don't want to research anything.
15."Interview controversial people in your niche." Again what is the point of annoying other people with my homework.
16."Post about current events in your niche." Well that would be a fantastic idea if my local newspaper was on the internet and I could copy and paste.
17."Invite your readers to submit articles." Well that is not going to work I think my teacher will scream at me if I get someone else to do my homework ( But if I could get away with it would be good )
18."Instead of exchanging links, get together with other bloggers and review each others’ blogs." What is it with these blogging ideas rule number one.
19."Connect with bloggers around your same level and share ideas." Wow I never new there was a blogging level I wonder what kind of genius (who probably hasn't had any sort of human contact for the last three years) came up with the idea that some people were better bloggers than others.
20."Do a “speedlinking�? post." Wow what another fantastic idea.
Really cool website
Really cool website 2
Really cool website 3
Really cool website 4
Really cool website 5
12."Do a post that answers your readers’ questions." Fantastic idea now all I have do is find some readers that would read a blog written by a person who will demean whatever they say. I'll ask Seamus later.
13."Create a comprehensive list" Well I am sort of doing that now not a bad idea though.
14."Create a flagship content" Again rule number one I don't want to research anything.
15."Interview controversial people in your niche." Again what is the point of annoying other people with my homework.
16."Post about current events in your niche." Well that would be a fantastic idea if my local newspaper was on the internet and I could copy and paste.
17."Invite your readers to submit articles." Well that is not going to work I think my teacher will scream at me if I get someone else to do my homework ( But if I could get away with it would be good )
18."Instead of exchanging links, get together with other bloggers and review each others’ blogs." What is it with these blogging ideas rule number one.
19."Connect with bloggers around your same level and share ideas." Wow I never new there was a blogging level I wonder what kind of genius (who probably hasn't had any sort of human contact for the last three years) came up with the idea that some people were better bloggers than others.
20."Do a “speedlinking�? post." Wow what another fantastic idea.
Really cool website
Really cool website 2
Really cool website 3
Really cool website 4
Really cool website 5
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I have nothing meaning full to wright about!
I have nothing meaning to write about. So I went to Google and searched 'blog ideas'. I found a website(
t-will-make-your-blog-sizzle) so I am going to wright about whether these ideas will work for me or not.
t-will-make-your-blog-sizzle) so I am going to wright about whether these ideas will work for me or not.
- "Brainstorm by matching up your readers wants." I don't think I have any readers and I don't care what they want i just want to get this homework over and done with.
- "Write a post by examining the pros and cons of an issue." This could work I can think of the title now Pizza vs Pie (pizza pie would win).
- "Write a tutorial." Another great idea how to make pie with your standard 'Sunbeam Pie Magic' pie maker.
- "Do an interview with key people in your niche." Not may favorite idea that would take more time and then my homework would not just be annoying me but someone else as well.
- "Create a mock head to head competition."Again this breaks my number one rule of spending very little time blogging or researching for blogging.
- "Do a case study." That would mean having to know what a case study is again time waster.
- "Take an alternate position." Again that would be having to learn what that is. What is up with this website with all there technically blogging styles?
- "Write a long comment." Well I do like how in a long comment it fills up a lot of room by mindlessly repeating yourself. But it does take a long time again breaks rule number one.
- "Pick a topic by reading business book titles." I bash my head against my table while reading this one wishing someone could hit me in the head with a pocket dictionary. There is now a very important rule number two there is no extra reading of books.
- "Research a topic by doing research on" Again rule number one takes to much time so so boring.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Knights of Prosperity
The Knights of Prosperity is my favorite television show. It is about a hilarious group of stereo typical characters who just can't get a break in the world. But Eugene Gurkin could not take it any more. He was fed up with his janitorial job that could not even buy him a premium bottle of booze. So he forms a gang called the Knights of Prosperity to pick his life out of the gutter so he can live the life of the rich and famous. The way he was going to do this was he was going to rob rock legend Mick Jagger. The members of The Knights of Prosperity are

Eugene Gurkin played by Donal Logue
The janitor from no where that can sneak into any building, past any guards in his super secret disguise, a janitor uniform.

Esperanza Villalobos played by Sofia Vergara
This Columbian refugee escaped from her ex-boyfriend Enrico the powerful Columbian drug lord. To come to America and work in a diner.

Francis 'Squatch' Squacieri played by Lenny Venito
Squatch worked along side Eugene as the overnight janitor guy. Squatch the only married member of Knights of Prosperity was sick of disappointing his wife and kids.

Gourishankar 'Gary' Subramaniam played by Maz Jobrani
Back home in India Gary was a superstar lawyer. But here in New York City he drives a cab to make ends meet. He has many a children as you learn in episode five but none of them with the same women. But when the gang gets caught on camera one of his sons came in and saves them from a life in jail.

Rockefeller Butts played by Kevin Michael Richardson
Warehouse security guard Rockefeller is cigar-chewing man and has one simple request in order to join the Knights cookies. He is a key to the team whether it be getting the gang into the club. Or it be becoming Mick Jaggers security guard.

Louis Plunk played by Josh Grisetti
Louis is the ultra nerd of the team. He is not much of a contribution to the team but he is a very funny character.
This is my favorite Knights of Prosperity. It really shows Gary's aspects.
Eugene Gurkin played by Donal Logue
The janitor from no where that can sneak into any building, past any guards in his super secret disguise, a janitor uniform.
Esperanza Villalobos played by Sofia Vergara
This Columbian refugee escaped from her ex-boyfriend Enrico the powerful Columbian drug lord. To come to America and work in a diner.
Francis 'Squatch' Squacieri played by Lenny Venito
Squatch worked along side Eugene as the overnight janitor guy. Squatch the only married member of Knights of Prosperity was sick of disappointing his wife and kids.
Gourishankar 'Gary' Subramaniam played by Maz Jobrani
Back home in India Gary was a superstar lawyer. But here in New York City he drives a cab to make ends meet. He has many a children as you learn in episode five but none of them with the same women. But when the gang gets caught on camera one of his sons came in and saves them from a life in jail.
Rockefeller Butts played by Kevin Michael Richardson
Warehouse security guard Rockefeller is cigar-chewing man and has one simple request in order to join the Knights cookies. He is a key to the team whether it be getting the gang into the club. Or it be becoming Mick Jaggers security guard.
Louis Plunk played by Josh Grisetti
Louis is the ultra nerd of the team. He is not much of a contribution to the team but he is a very funny character.
This is my favorite Knights of Prosperity. It really shows Gary's aspects.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Homework. It's so boring. I think this year the teaches just want to annoy us by giving more home work. It's a Saturday morning I am sitting here doing homework, ON A SATURDAY!!!!!!!!! This is the only homework I am going to do today even though i still have Math, Business Studies, Social Studies and Science homework left. But like any teenage boy I will procrastinate and go PS3. Later.
Field Trip
On our social science field trip we sadly did not go to a field. I found it really boring. I don't like history so I don't like going to the museum. Well I wrote about the museum I think even writing about it is boring.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
School Golf team WE ROCK!!!
Well just got back from our 4th game of Intercollegiate golf and we ROCKED! The last two matches we have had the team went really well. In my last two matches i won 7.5 to 1.5 and 7 to 2. Josh lost 3.5 to 5.5 and won 7.5 to 1.5. Thomas won 7 to 2 and halved 4.5 to 4.5. Simon lost 2 to 7 and won 6 to 3. We have one more match against Orewa College and I hope we win.
Friday, March 7, 2008
About the website name
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
School Golf team
Well I am part of the school golf team. We are going to have two games next week Monday and Tuesday. That will be good because it is all time out of school so it is all good.
Hi First Post
Hi all my first post on this blog. Here are couple of other websites I am on, and Later everyone.
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