Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bull Picture

"I need the money. I have to do it. It will be easy". I kept telling myself. "There are rode clowns in there they will help me out. Slap a bull win a grand easy right?". I tried to reassure myself but I knew what I was doing was just too stupid. I walked through the archway and my eyes oppened wide as I stepped into the arena. Thousands of people starring down at me. Why was I doing this? Well it's to late to turn back now.

There is the bull only a few steps away should I run at it or slink over? I took a step towards the bull. The bull grunted slightly and ignored me. I dashed at the bull and slapped him on the hind. The bull reared and snorted. I leged it for the exit. The bull chased me down. After a few seconds I was at the exit. But the bull was right behind me > I felt his horn graze my back and my shirt was teared off. The shirt fell against the bull's eyes blinding him for a split-second. I glanced at the distance haze of the docks. That was my escape. I sprinted to thew docks and bounded into the water. I froze in fear as the bull pounded down the docks towards me. The bull dived into the water and I was hit by a colossal wave. I was smashed against a nearby boat. My head was pounding. As I felt two warm hands pull me out of the water and onto the deck. I passed out. But I was safe.

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