G36c . The best assault weapon in COD4 (easily the best weapon in the game).
It's a very well balanced weapon not really leading into bad stats in one of the different divisions.
Accuracy: 8+ / 12
Damage: 7 / 12
Range: 9 / 12
Fire Rate: 7 / 12
Mobility: 8 / 12
Recoil: Medium
Reload Time: 2.1 seconds
Damage: 20-30
Hip Accuracy: Stand (3-7) / Crouch (2.5-6) / Prone (2-5)
I suppose on second thought it does lead in the favor of accuracy but thats not really a bad thats not really a bad thing.
My favorite G36c classes:
Name: Noob time
Gun: G36C
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Blue Tiger
Attachment: Noob tube
Perk 1: Noob tube
Perk 2: Overkill (Second weapon G3 with noob tube)
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Showdown, Vacant, Broadcast and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Domination and Ground War
Name: Grenader
Gun: G36c
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Blue Tiger
Attachment: Red Dot Sight
Perk 1: Frag x 3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Martyrdom
Map: Ambush, Backlot, Bog, District, Shipment, Showdown, Vacant, Wet work, Broadcast, China town, and Killhouse
Game type: Headquarters, Team Deathmatch, Free for all, Domination, Ground War, Sabotage, Old School Free for all, Cage match
Name: Silent
Gun: G36c
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Special Grenade: Flash
Camouflage: Digital
Attachment: Silencer
Perk 1: Claymore x 2
Perk 2: UAV Jammer
Perk 3: Dead Silence
Map: Any
Game type: Hardcore search and destroy

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