Monday, August 4, 2008

What I am up to !!!!!!!

Well since my last post on Sunday a lot has changed on my English project. I ain't stuck on my topic anymore because of some information I found in an encyclopedia that has set me off in the write direction. Still school sucks. I have to do some stuff for maths due in Friday and couldn't do it in class because I was escorting some Year 6's (which was actually quite good). I have to do my concepts in Mtech and have a whole lot of social science to do. It sucks that I have to do all this work at home when there is a perfectly good PS3 and Guitar Hero 3 controller sitting there lonely and sad. Well I guess not lonely or sand because its made of plastic but still. Oh and yeah screw that weather. Its been 10 days since my birthday and still havn't been able to have a party because of the stupid rain. It should have been this saturday but the weather people said it was gunna be real bad weather and it wasn't that sucks. And cause of the weather I havn't played golf in like ummmmm well the 20/07/08 or at least thats what says. Oh well laters yall. Like anyone would read this LOL

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