Monday, August 11, 2008


The most amazing thing in the world.

Well from that video and the ladies nice commentary looks nice and peaceful, write. Well its not. What you just saw was someone in a ball with some water rolling down a zig zag course. It such a fun sport rolling down the hill and I would know I have done that exact same thing 4 times (and once on the straight track). Zorbing originating in Rotoura is just amazing. You have so many options about how you want to role down a hill in a giant plastic ball. You can role down a striaght track or a zig zag. Tie your self to the ball or go for a swim and slide round with water in side the ball and if you choose you can do it with friends. Personal I don't like the idea of friends some how I think you would bash heads or something. The Zorb has avoled over its years and now has spread around the world. Now instead of rolling down a predtermined track with fences and staff to get you in and out of the zorb. You buy your own zorb choose a hill and role. Fun aye.

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