Monday, May 5, 2008

Creative wrighting

All my training worked up to this moment. The days and the hours spent riding down the test ramp and landing on the padded mats. The seconds ticked by. My heart started to pump. As the green flag raised time begain to slow and the wheels of my bike begain to rotate revolution by revolution. As the distant shadowy figure of the ramp came closer my bike sped up.

I hit the ramp hard. This was it I was going to do it . I edged to the end of the ramp and took the final leap. As I glided through the air my palms started to sweat. The bike slid out of my hands and fell towards the ground. My life flashed before my eyes. Everyone who cared for me telling me I couldn't do it. Everyone I cared for telling me I couldn't do it. Why did I even make the leap to prove myself to someone. Or rebel? I hit the concrete hard. As I passed away into the deep dark abyss I wondered why I never trusted those who trusted me.

This story is sort of based around me. I always do something stupid before thinking. But it is completely over dramatic and completely made up though. Oh well it's a blog ' shrug *-* '

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