Monday, August 11, 2008


I was really disappointed to the schools approach to the lockers. I mean they wanted us to pay $45 dollars for two terms of locker HIRE. I thought that was ridicules not to long ago. I mean the lockers aren't in a convenient place and $45 dollars for two terms thats just stupid. But still I went ahead and bought one thinking it will be very useful.

After a couple of weeks of use I can sort of see where the school is coming from. I mean the lockers are tiny (the school probably new that) and any place safe to put the lockers would be inconvenient. Saying that makes me direct my anger back to the school. I mean no warning that their would be a daily struggle to jam my A3 folder into my locker. No warning that I could only access my ICT locker before school at lunch and after school. I really don't see the point in a locker anymore its just a hassle of walking to it then having to walk all the way round the auditorium to the netball courts.

1 comment:

Karen Ishiguro said...

Wow you've written heaps!!