Monday, May 26, 2008


My birthday in 2 months.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Mr Occonnel got impatient as he was waiting for his students to arrive, even though only a handfull would be coming. After 10 minutes, he heard footsteps in the auditorium foyer, he hurried up to the door and was horrified as he saw gabrielle stomp in, in overalls and workboots, "Hey Mr O, I got a job as a workman, neat eh" and she wandered off to the punchbowl, leaving Mr Occonel Speachless.As he got over the shock of gabreielle, he heard some more footsteps, he opened the door to find a hobo dressed in garbage bags. "Well, I knew he'd come back eventually" Said Mr Oconnell, He picked up a broom and began whacking seamus over the head, chasing him outside, he then picked up a sign saying "no hobos", stuck it on the window, and wandered off to greet a pie and a taco that had just walked in.soon after a meerkat wandered in, and was chased off by Zane(a crazy Pyromaniac), Grace(a weed addict), and Frankie(a drug supplier), all of whom were seeking revenge on the meerkat for banning them from the zoo.Then A black gangsta wandered in, followed by a firetruck, "hows it goin" said the firetruck, "hey Josh" everyone responded, but everyone fell speachless as the black dude said; "wassup my home dog g units from the west coast, WAT!!" everyone else looked at Josh "relax, its taylor", said Josh. everyone cooled down after that, untill..."Omg its Harry Potter and Michael Jackson!!" Yelled Scott. "Its Tubbs and Token" said Rory, looking very annoyed. "Someone told us that this was a dressup party" everyone began laughing, but turned round when there was a shout of laughter, and the pie and the taco were rolling around on the floor laughing."Settle down people, food and trash, and welsome to our schools first jubilee, you were our foundation students, and now your peers are the foundation of our new soccer field...""Oi Jackson, moonwalk away from this!" said Scott, and punched Vinay in the face. "ABRA CADABRA!!" yelled Rory, but Gabrielle Grabbed his wand and snapped it in half. A fight broke out, and when it had finished, Josh Rolled out with a broken windscreen, Scott and Luke with bite marks in them, Zane, Grace and Frankie had big cuts on their faces, all clutching pieces of meerkat, Taylor came out white again, And Gabrielle came out unharmed because she's a workMAN.Back in the auditorium, Rory and Vinay lay unconcious on the floor, towered over by Mr Occonnell."YOU TWO ARE VERY IRRESPONSIBLE, AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!.....And that was the first ever college, be sure to tune in for the 1/2 centenial....written by Josh, Taylor and Scott, but mainly Josh!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Word thingy ??

Tim could not believe it. Overnight, the world had changed from a overcast, dim mess to a ugly white wonderland. He walked outside onto the snow and gazed at it in horror. Tim always saw this in the ten minutes that he had been living in Auckland, and he hopped that he would never see it again. He spun around in the swirling white "swoosh swoosh" but regretted it when he fell over. He got up quickly "swoosh" , hoping nobody had seen him. Tim's annoying little girl sibling came sprinting out into the street, screaming with excitement. She begged him to help her make a snowman so they knelt on the pavement and started to scoop up as much snow as they could into a pail. After about an hour, the snowman was huge and Tim was freezing and pale. He quickly sprinted over the ice "swoosh", back into the house for some hot chocolate.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bull Picture

"I need the money. I have to do it. It will be easy". I kept telling myself. "There are rode clowns in there they will help me out. Slap a bull win a grand easy right?". I tried to reassure myself but I knew what I was doing was just too stupid. I walked through the archway and my eyes oppened wide as I stepped into the arena. Thousands of people starring down at me. Why was I doing this? Well it's to late to turn back now.

There is the bull only a few steps away should I run at it or slink over? I took a step towards the bull. The bull grunted slightly and ignored me. I dashed at the bull and slapped him on the hind. The bull reared and snorted. I leged it for the exit. The bull chased me down. After a few seconds I was at the exit. But the bull was right behind me > I felt his horn graze my back and my shirt was teared off. The shirt fell against the bull's eyes blinding him for a split-second. I glanced at the distance haze of the docks. That was my escape. I sprinted to thew docks and bounded into the water. I froze in fear as the bull pounded down the docks towards me. The bull dived into the water and I was hit by a colossal wave. I was smashed against a nearby boat. My head was pounding. As I felt two warm hands pull me out of the water and onto the deck. I passed out. But I was safe.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


How could I ever describe him? Well he isn't my best friend that is probably obvious. He has many a name. Well actually four. He is the direction of most of the jokes yet he doesn't care. Yet he still makes a few jokes back knowing it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Mum

There is no way I could describe her. Well thats a lie. She can't cook and if you don't believe me you could always just burn some toast and eat it. That is what all her food tastes like anyways. She ain't a morning person (or any other time of the day when I'm around). She is always my personal taxi driver to anywhere I want. Finally, her wallet is always open and full. For when I ask for money.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Creative wrighting

All my training worked up to this moment. The days and the hours spent riding down the test ramp and landing on the padded mats. The seconds ticked by. My heart started to pump. As the green flag raised time begain to slow and the wheels of my bike begain to rotate revolution by revolution. As the distant shadowy figure of the ramp came closer my bike sped up.

I hit the ramp hard. This was it I was going to do it . I edged to the end of the ramp and took the final leap. As I glided through the air my palms started to sweat. The bike slid out of my hands and fell towards the ground. My life flashed before my eyes. Everyone who cared for me telling me I couldn't do it. Everyone I cared for telling me I couldn't do it. Why did I even make the leap to prove myself to someone. Or rebel? I hit the concrete hard. As I passed away into the deep dark abyss I wondered why I never trusted those who trusted me.

This story is sort of based around me. I always do something stupid before thinking. But it is completely over dramatic and completely made up though. Oh well it's a blog ' shrug *-* '